Schedules for processing and paying the operating support to sole entrepreneurs

The City of Porvoo has received 397 applications for operating support to sole entrepreneurs by 4 May 2020. The support to sole entrepreneurs is a one-time payment of 2,000 euros. Posintra processes the applications, after which they are forwarded to a city official for approval and payment.


The support is currently processed and paid according to the following schedule:

  • Posintra processes the applications submitted on the ePorvoo service daily.
  • All applications submitted by 4 May 2020 have been processed, are awaiting attachments and/or additional from the applicant, or have been forwarded the City for payment.
  • The payment service is currently busy.
    The average estimate is that applicants who have submitted an application between 22 April and 30 April and whose application has been approved (ePorvoo shows the application in the ‘päätös’/’decision’ status and the ‘support granted’ as 2,000 euros) will receive the support on their bank account in May.
  • Applicants can see their application information and process via ePorvoo at Log into ePorvoo and go to ‘oma asiointi’. You can download the instructions for using ePorvoo here.
  • If a sole entrepreneur’s application is rejected (meaning the criteria for the support are not met), the applicant will receive an official decision, which will include the instructions for potential appeal.
  • The processing may take longer if the processors need to request missing attachments from the applicant. Applicants cannot edit their application after it has been received, apart from adding attachments.


Additional information about the operating support, instructions for using ePorvoo and a link to the application form are available at

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