Pobi – Porvoo Kilpilahti evolving into a biobusiness park

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Pobi – Porvoo Kilpilahti evolving into a biobusiness park

The objective of the Pobi – Porvoo Kilpilahti evolving into a biobusiness park -program is to generate a common understanding, vision and a development plan of how to make the Porvoo area into a value adding, world class industrial park for bio- and recycling businesses. At the same time we will lay foundation for a new ecosystem and new business opportunities for companies which provide services to the petrochemical and bioproduct industries in Kilpilahti. An additional objective is to create such circumstances for areal planning which promotes sustainable development of the area and enhances new companies to establish their operations there.

The project consists of three key operations, which will be carried out during 2015 to 2017. The actions are to collect and describe a common view of the participating companies and other operators, to develop and pilot a common center of excellence vision and business plan and to create a cooperating network of industrial bio- and recycling companies.

Synergies of bio and recycling economies between participating companies and other operators are formed in workshops together with companies which have been identified to be committed to developing bio economy and have shown desire for growth. Based on the recognized synergies a vision, participants and their roles in the future center of excellence are outlined.

As a result of the project a multidisciplinary network of private and public actors around the Kilpilahti industrial area with a vision and an action plan is generated. Based on these the Kilpilahti area will be developed to become one of the leading industrial parks of bio and recycling economies on a global scale. The program creates conditions for SME-companies which are eager to grow within cleantech and bio economies to be placed in Kilpilahti and enables the area to become an attractive economical ecosystem with versatile business lots for companies to lease or buy.

The Pobi -project brings important in-depth insight into national level industrial policy about developing a center of excellence of bio economy. New resource effectiveness of material circulation is generated in the Kilpilahti area by applying new solutions of bio economy, recycling and reuse.

For more information please contact Matti Herlevi.


Posted on

February 7, 2018

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