PALKO – Employment service experiments in Porvoo and Loviisa


PALKO – Employment service experiments in Porvoo and Loviisa

The PALKO project promotes the employment of unemployed people and those at risk of unemployment and marginalisation in the Porvoo and Loviisa regions. It is a two-year development project between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2019. The target group is the unemployed and people at risk of unemployment or exclusion in the Porvoo and Loviisa regions. The PALKO project seeks to involve a total of 75 people as part of the service experimentation measures and the objective is that 50% of them end up being employed or directed to training or other similar services. The secondary objective is to improve the cooperation between public and private sector organisations providing employment and training services in the Porvoo and Loviisa regions.

A key measure in the PALKO project are employment service experimentations, 4-6 of which will be implemented during the project. It is intended that people in the target group are involved in the design of the service experiments and the development efforts are to be agile and experimental. On-the-job organisations in the fields of employment and training constitute a service network that plays a key role not only in implementing the service experiments and developing the services, but also in merging the acquired experiences with future functional service structures. The long-term result of the PALKO project is to strengthen the cooperation between the organisations providing employment and training services in the Porvoo and Loviisa regions. The aim is for operators to learn experimental and developing service design and to gain new tools that will enable them to develop new, innovative services in the field of employment. Thanks to a more flexible, customer-oriented and effective cooperation, employment in the region will in the long term be better placed to develop in a positive direction.

The PALKO project is jointly implemented by Posintra Oy (main implementer) and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science (secondary implementer). The total budget of the project is €239,996. The main sponsor of the project is the European Social Fund ESF. The project will run from 1 September 2017 until 31 August 2019.

For more information about the project:

Anne Wetterstrand, Project Manager
+ 358 50 366 0125







Posted on

February 7, 2018

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