30MILES – Small port every 30 miles apart – Development of services for lively water tourism in the Eastern Gulf of Finland


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30MILES – Small port every 30 miles apart – Development of services for lively water tourism in the Eastern Gulf of Finland

The Eastern Gulf of Finland (GoF) is far behind the level of water tourism in comparison to the Western part of GoF. The Eastern GoF needs a network of small ports which have good service level and enough piers for leisure boaters to come.

The basic idea of the 30MILES -project is to establish a ring of well-developed small ports as a precondition for lively water tourism in the Eastern GoF. This is a question where cross-border cooperation is essential. In order to increase the number of boaters there is a need for suitably equipped ports for within every 30 miles. The suggested new ring of ports around the Eastern GoF will create an attractive entirety which is known to be in the interest of boaters. The services of the ports should be well-known and all information related to accessibility clearly presented. The most important element, which is noticed is the fact that any these small ports alone is solely too tiny to receive enough visibility. Together the new network will be interesting enough to receive more attention from the potential visitors.

The objectives of this project support the objectives of the programme. Firstly, focus is ensuring safety on ports. Secondly, joint development of sustainable port services is targeted to boost up the business opportunities. Thirdly, joint marketing actions are implemented to increase the general awareness of new services. Fourth, sustainability and cost-effectivity of the development decisions will be carefully studied to protect the environment.

The project is financed by Interreg Central Baltic, Southern Finland – Estonia -sub-program (program priority P3: Well-connected region; Specific objective 3.2: Improved services of existing small ports to improve local and regional mobility and contribute to tourism development). Lead partner of the project is Kotka Maritime Research Association. Duration of the project is 36 months starting at 1.9.2015 and ending at 31.8.2018.

For more information, please contact:

Topi Haapanen, Director of Regional Development
+ 358 40 708 2012






Posted on

February 7, 2018

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